Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Course

AI course in Lahore

Scheduled WeekModule TitleLearning UnitsRemarks
Week 1Introduction  Motivational LectureCourse IntroductionSuccess storiesJob marketCourse ApplicationsInstitute/work ethicsIntroduction to Artificial Intelligence A brief history of AIAI terminology State of the art techniquesLabInstallation for python language 
Week 2Machine Learning FundamentalsWhat is DataWhat is Machine LearningSupervised vs. Unsupervised learningEvaluationTrain-Test splitValidation 
Week 3RegressionRegression Univariate linear regression Multivariate regression 
Week 4ClassificationAlgorithmsKNNNaïve BayesDecision TreesSVMs 
Week5ClassificationAlgorithmsDecision TreesSVMs 
Week 6ClusteringClusteringClassification vs. ClusteringK-means Clustering 
Week 7Time Series AnalysisTime Series AnalysisMLPFeed Forward neural networks   
Week 8Neural NetworksApplications with computer visionClassification and Detection 

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