Dear Esteemed Leaders and Visionaries,

Greetings of health and prosperity to each of you. In drafting a communiqué for the Research Innovation Division (RID) at the Higher Education Commission (HEC) as requested by our beacon of excellence, KICS at UET Lahore, a moment of reflection was prompted. This reflection is not just on our path but on the shared odyssey that has brought us to where we stand today. A detailed narrative of this journey has been shared with the RID, which echoes our collective strides and milestones.

From the year of our establishment in 2006, we embarked on a voyage through daunting challenges, among which were the towering costs and complexities of adapting global solutions such as PeopleSoft, SAP, and MS Dynamics to our local context. Our voyage was beset with trials – from reliance on international suppliers to the intricacies of foreign exchange and a palpable absence of localized technical support. In these times, it was your unwavering leadership that shone as a lighthouse, guiding us towards innovation and self-reliance. It is with heartfelt gratitude we recall the groundbreaking work of Dr. Prof. Waqar Mahmood and Prof. Dr. Ali Moud at KICS, UET Lahore, who envisioned and birthed a tailored solution that catered uniquely to our needs within the global ERP framework.

Our mission burgeoned between 2016 and 2019, facing complex challenges head-on, from accreditation and standardization to the critical need for automation in a world rocked by global disruptions. Our engagement extended into the corporate realm with partners like The Resource Group (TRG) in Lahore, navigating the peculiarities of financial models in the face of Pakistan’s Higher Education Institutions’ realities. It was during this era that the wisdom of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Moud and Prof. Dr. Waqar Mahmood became our guiding star, helping us overcome the initial obstacles of 2006. Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid’s visionary leadership was instrumental in weaving Outcome-Based Education (OBE) into our fabric, enhancing our administrative modules, and steering us through the commercialization journey in the public sector. This endeavor culminated in the successful launch of Campus Solution 360 under Dr. Mansoor Sarwar‘s leadership, marking a step towards the sustainable future we aspire to.

The year 2020 was a watershed moment, catalyzed by a transformative request from Dr. Nasir Mahmood Khan, Prof. Dr. Fazal Khalid, Prof. Dr. Niaz Ahmad and Prof. Dr. Waqar Mahmood, leading us to fully automate the accreditation process. This effort not only polished Campus Solution 360 to meet the stringent standards of the PEC and the Washington Accord but also set the stage for an integrated ERP system that would underpin our national educational and technological ambitions.

  • Prof Dr. Waqar Mahmood from KICS UET Lahore
  • Board of Members from KICS UET Lahore,
  • Prof Dr. Muhammad Ali Moud from UET Lahore,
  • Prof Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid from UET Lahore, VC Punjab PEC ISL, GIKI Swabi
  • Engr. Dr. Nasir Mahmood Khan from Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) Islamabad,
  • Engr. Dr. Niaz Ahmad Akhtar from Punjab University, VC Punjab PEC ISL,
  • Prof. Dr. Mansoor Sarwar from UET Lahore,
  • Muhammad Asif (Registrar) from UET Lahore
  • Mr. Mudasser Khan from UET Lahore,
  • Dr Usman Awan from Punjab University,
  • Dr. Ghulam Abbas from GIK Institute of Engineering and Technology,
  • Prof. Dr. Nadeem Sheikh from International Islamic University Islamabad,
  • Prof. Dr. Ahmad Shuja Syed from from International Islamic University Islamabad,
  • Dr. Zulqurnain Hashmi from International Islamic University Islamabad,
  • Prof. Dr. Abdul Sattar Shakir from PTUT Lahore,
  • Engr. Dr. Tahir Sultan from FE&T BZU Multan,
  • Dr. Khalid Saifullah from CASPAM BZU Multan,
  • Dr. Nasser Ali Khan from IMSciences Peshawar,
  • Dr. Masoom Alam from IMSciences Peshawar,
  • Dr. Tamleek Ali Tanveer from IMSciences Peshawar,
  • Mr. Muhammad Tanveer Javed from CECOS Peshawar
  • Mr. Shoiab Tanveer from CECOS Peshawar
  • Mr. Fahd Sheikh from HU Lahore
  • Umar Rafique from HBL Head office Lahore
  • Mr. Muhammad Kamran from HBL Head office Lahore
  • and many more silent heroes and ESSL team members who have contributed significantly to our success.

Today, the integration of Campus Solution 360 with diverse service providers, including major banks like HBL, UBL, ABL, the KOHA Library System, attendance service providers, streaming servers such as Zoom, MS Teams, Google Meet, and Jitsi, and synchronization with Google Classroom, illustrates our commitment to evolving the enterprise from its initial challenges to a state of holistic integration and orchestration.

This journey, enriched by your support, has been nothing short of extraordinary, a testament to the power of visionary leadership and collaborative innovation. Though ESSL at KICS UET Lahore faced obstacles, each has been a steppingstone toward greater resilience and strategic clarity. As we stand at the dawn of a new era, I am filled with optimism for the transformative impact our collective efforts will have on the educational landscape. In closing, I extend my deepest thanks for your ongoing support and guidance, which continues to inspire and drive us forward.

Warm Regards
Mohsin Yaseen
Enterprise Software Solution Lab (ESSL),
Al-Khwarizmi Institute of Computer Science (KICS),
University of Engineering & Technology (UET) Lahore