Course Content

According to the latest TIOBE Programming Community Index (a software quality comapany), Python is one of the top 10 popular programming languages of 2017. Python is a general purpose and high level programming language. You can use Python for developing desktop GUI applications, websites and web applications. Also, Python, as a high level programming language, allows you to focus on core functionality of the application by taking care of common programming tasks. The simple syntax rules of the programming language further makes it easier for you to keep the code base readable and application maintainable.

Objectives of the Course

The objective of the course is to train the person in such a way so that he/she may be able to learn and understand the advanced technologies and terminologies of python as well as develop tools/software in this domain.

Competencies Gained after Completion of Course

At the end of this Advanced Python programming training course, students will be able to:

  • Master Python's object-oriented features such as state, class, objects and inheritance
  • Process text using regular expressions
  • Leverage OS services
  • Implement GUI for your Python application
  • Create modules to promote code-once-use-many-times practice
  • Use Pylint to test and debug applications
  • Deploy DB-API to Query databases
  • Process CSV data through API
  • Create complex platform-independent Python applications
Course Content

Week 1

Introduction to the Python Programming

How to Use the Interactive Textbook

Values and Data Types

Operators and Operands

Data Types

Type Conversion Functions


Statements and Expressions




Week 2

Introduction to Objects and Turtle Graphics

Importing Modules

Introduction to Debugging

Syntax, Runtime, and Semantic Errors

Incremental Programming



Week 3

Introduction to Sequence Mutation

Concatenation and Repetition Programming

Logical Operators

Unary Selection, Nested Conditionals, and Chained Conditionals

The Accumulator Pattern with Conditionals and Accumulating a Maximum Value



Week 4

Introduction to Methods on Lists and Strings

Methods on Lists

Non-Mutating Methods on String



Week 5

Introduction to Accumulating Lists and Strings

The Accumulator Pattern with Lists

The Accumulator Pattern with Strings

Accumulator Pattern Strategies



Week 6

Introduction to Python Classes and Inheritance

Adding Parameters to the Constructor

Creating Instances from Data

Special (dunderscore) Methods

Sorting Lists of Instances

Class Variables and Instance Variables



Week 7

Inheriting Variables and Methods

Overriding Methods and Types

Invoking the Parent Class's Method



Week 8

Introduction toTest Cases

Side Effect Tests

Program Development with Test Cases

Testing Classes



Week 9

Exception Handling Flow-of-control

When to use Try/Except

Handling Different Exception Types



Week 10

Introduction to Python Frameworks

Working with Django

How Django Uses Classes and Inheritance

Working on Django project



Week 11

Introduction to Python Functions, Files, and Dictionaries

Handling files with Python in File System

Programming with CSV files



Week 12

Introduction to Dictionaries

Dictionary Operations

Dictionary Methods

Dictionary Accumulation



Week 13

Introduction to File Handling Functions

Positional Parameter Passing

Variable Scoping

Mutable Objects and Side Effects



Week 14

More Iteration and Advanced Functions



Week 15

Introduction to Nested Data

Nested Dictionaries

JSON Format and the JSON Module

Structuring Nested Data



Week 16

Introduction to  Map and Filter

Map Programming

Filter Programming



Week 17

Introduction to List Comprehensions

List Comprehensions Projects

The Hangman Blanked Function



Week 18

Introduction to REST APIs

How the Internet Works


The requests Module

Using REST APIs in Pythons Porjects

Caching Response Content



Week 19

Rest API Proeject



Week 20

Intro to Qwiklabs

Projects on Qwiklabs



Week 21

Introduction to TensorFlow

TensorFlow API Hierarchy

Graph and Session

Visualizing a graph



Week 22

Scaling TensorFlow models

Cloud AI Platform

Monitoring and Deploying Training Jobs

Scaling TensorFlow with Cloud AI Platform



Week 23

Tensor Flow Project



Week 24

FYP Project


Class Days: Monday - Friday

Class Timings: 09:00AM - 02:00PM